Day Habilitation
Day Habilitation is a community-based program that provides long-term personal & social development opportunities within a structured environment for individuals with developmental disabilities, mental health diagnoses, or intelectual disabilities who are unable to function in social or recreational settings. Services are available on an hourly or daily basis & may include daily living skills instruction, art therapy, meditation, recreational & social activities, exercises to improve coordination and other forms of developmental support which help participants develop and maintain the functional skills that are required for community involvement, self-advocacy and self-care.
HCBS Waiver Sites (ID) &
Home Based Habilitation (HAB)
HCBS Waiver Site Homes/Home Based Habilitation consists of a three-bedroom home located in the community. Each site home has three occupants who live together. The homes are managed by Self Reliance Inc. and staff is available up to 24 hours each day.
Supported Community
Living (HAB & ID)
You can recieve assistance listed above in your family home, guardian's home or other typical community setting if that meets your individual needs better.
We have availability!
Check out the "Current Openings" tab to identify opportunities to receive services.
Day Habilitation Team
Day Habilitation
Organizational Chart
Day Hab Service Coordinator
Direct Service Provider
Direct Service Provider
Transportation Manager

Staff pictured above include (left-right): Amanda, Jessica & Dayton.
They are the designated Day Habilitation Team that you can expect to find with the consumers during daily programing and community events. They are the team that coordinates and assists in program offerings including:
Art Therapy
Music Therapy
Social Skills Training
Financial Awareness
Baking Group
Group Therapy
Hygiene Awareness
Coping Skills Development
Day Trips
Self Reliance Inc. owns and operates a small bus which is used to transport consumers to and from community events and day habilitation programing in the community. The bus has allowed Self Reliance Inc. the ability to reduce transportation barriers that many of our consumers face. Consumers are also commonly transported in staff vehicles.

Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday
Morning Programming: 8:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Afternoon Programming: 11:30 a.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Address: 1717 Summer Street, Burlington, IA
Phone: (319) 671-7157
Contact Amanda, the Day Habilitation Services Coordinator, for more information.
Services & Expectations:
What can Self Reliance Inc. provide? Why should you or your loved one join us?
What can you expect when you call?
Stable & Consistent Housing
Increased Access to Transportation
Help in Identifying & Pursuing Personal Goals
Professional Supports
Up to 24 hour/day staff support
Community Integration
Mutually Reciprocal Relationship - Self Reliance Internal Policy Mandates personal commitments to individual productivity (via work, school, volunteering, or day habilitation)
Self Reliance Internal Policy Encourages abstinence from drugs & alcohol.